Large Tress Not recommended for planting near or under power lines |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Red Maple | Acer rubrum |
River birch | Beula nigra |
Pecan | Caryn illinoensis |
Green ash | Fraxinus pennsylvnica |
White ash | Fraxinus Americana |
American holly | Illex opaca |
Live oak | Quercus virginiana |
Laurel Oak | Quercus laurifolia |
Nuttall Oak | Quercus nattalii |
Shumard oak | Quercus shumardii |
Bur oak | Quercus macrocarpa |
White oak | Quercu alba |
Overcup oak | Quercus lyrata |
Chinkapin Oak | Quercus muehlenbergii |
Bald cypress | Taxodium distichum |
Montezuma cypress | Taxodium mucronatum |
Cedar Elm | Ulmus crassifolia |
Chinese elm | Unmus parvifolia |
Southern Magnolia | Magnolia grandiflora |
River Birch | Betula nigra |
Black gum | Nyssa sylvatica |
Small Tress Recommended for planting near or under power lines |
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Eastern redbud | Cercis Canadensis var. Canadensis |
Fringe Tree | Chionanthus spp |
Texas persimmon | Diospyrus Texana |
Hawthorn | Cratagus spp. |
Crape Myrtle | Lagerstroemia spp. |
Southern wax myrtle | Myrica cerifera |
Yaupon | Illex vomitoria |
Cherry laurel | Prunus caroliniana |
Chinese pistache | Pistacia chinensis |
Vitex or chaste tree | Vitex agnus-castus |
Saucer magnolia | Magnolia x soulangeana |
Savannah holly | Ilex xattenuata var Savannah* |
These are just some of the many trees that will grow in Southeast Texas. Some are more drought-tolerant and hurricane resistant than others. Many are fast growers but there are also ones for slow growers. Check with local nurseries for availability.
Information sources:; GULF COAST GARDENING WITH Randy Lemmon.; SOUTHERN PLANTS for Landscape Design by Neil Odenwald and James Turner.